JVS Online Publications: CIT and Vascular Science

Journal of Vascular Surgery Cases, Innovations and Techniques (JVS-CIT)


JVS-CIT aims to be the premier international journal of medical, endovascular, and surgical care of vascular diseases by publishing high quality case reports, articles on innovations and on endovascular and surgical techniques.

Published 4 times annually
Fully open-access 
Sponsorship Opportunities




JVS-Vascular Science (JVS-VS)

JVS-VS Cover - Green background with title, vein image, and social media callouts

JVS-VS aims to be the premier international journal publishing “bench-to-bedside” experimental and translational research underlying modern medical, endovascular and surgical investigation and management of vascular diseases. JVS-Vascular Science is dedicated to the science and art of vascular medicine, radiology, surgery and endovascular interventions

Published in one rolling annual issue
Fully open-access
Sponsorship Opportunities